5 июля 2024 г. SUAI enters the top 20 ranking of technical universities in Russia

The University took 17th place among 104 technical universities in the country in the global consolidated ranking of technical universities in Russia for 2024.

The rating was based on the following indicators:

  • The average weighted passing score. The average score of the Unified State Exam for one subject received for the state-subsidized education programs, adjusted for the number of state-subsidized places.
  • The number of Olympic winners.
  • Assessment of students. Assessment of the university based on student feedback and our study of student attitudes.
  • The number of state-subsidized places. The number of state-funded places per one field of study (bachelor and specialist degree); the share of state-funded places among all places in universities in the Russian Federation; the share of educational programs without state-funded places (negative impact).
  • The cost of training. The average cost of full-time bachelor and specialist degree education

Congratulations to St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation with such a high result!