Dmitry Dashkevich, a student at SUAI, presents a development that makes it possible to determine stress-induced hypertension subject to availability of a technical possibility of registering pressure changes over a long period of time
Conducting professional selection based on medical indicators is one of the most important factors in the selection and preservation of personnel health at enterprises. Among the many conditions to be monitored and identified during professional selection, it is especially difficult to identify stress-induced hypertension as a condition that occurs in work associated with emotional stress.
The existing gap in this area is due to the fact that a technique that allows objectively detecting an increase in blood pressure to a dangerous level under the influence of emotional stress cannot be implemented without medical equipment that allows monitoring blood pressure for a long time.
Dmitry Dashkevich, a student of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in the field of Biotechnical Systems and Technologies, proposed a development that allows determining stress-induced hypertension if there is a technical possibility of registering pressure changes over a long time. It should be noted that the calculations took into account not only the stress index (stress index), introduced by the scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences R. M. Baevsky, but also the dynamics of impact blood pressure, which makes this development unparalleled.
During the tests, a certain video sequence was used as a stress effect, introducing the subject into a state of emotional tension. On the one hand, this method satisfies the condition of the absence of a damaging effect on the psyche, and on the other hand, it causes a short—term stress reaction that allows conducting research. The obvious advantage of this method is the simplicity of its practical implementation: the subject is exposed to a controlled stress factor in real time, during which the parameters of the activity of the cardiovascular system are recorded with subsequent analysis of the data obtained.