A receiving station for communication with satellites has been launched on the basis of the Laboratory of Space Systems Engineering of the Department of Aerospace Measurement and Computing Complexes of SUAI.
Thanks to its work, students can receive real data from satellites to perform analysis, forecasting, and design automation subsystems.
The receiving station allows receiving telemetry data from more than 50 spacecraft, as well as photographs from Earth remote sensing satellites NOAA 15, NOAA 18 and NOAA 19 and from domestic Meteor-M satellites.
The work of the receiving station installed on the roof of the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation has been integrated into the educational process. To receive the signal, the Convolvulus training complex is used. The software and hardware complex of the receiving station allows its users to track the movement of satellites in real time, as well as predict their movement in orbit. This makes it possible to create a flight schedule. Additional extensions make it possible to automatically adjust the frequency of reception on the communication channel with the device in the visible area of the antenna, taking into account the Doppler effect.
Now students can perform a full cycle of work with the spacecraft: from preparation, assembly, programming and testing of the satellite to obtaining real data and forecasting.